Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ethics And Professionalism

Chief Executive and any public servant who solicits or accepts any advantage as an inducement to or reward for performing duties shall be guilty of an offence; the offer of the advantage shall also be guilty of an offence [1]. Alai See' is included money and money can be defined as advantage. Since the engineer is on duty and does not get the permit by the Chief Executive therefore the engineer cannot accept ‘Alai See' and once he accept it will become illegal. Next for an engineer of a private company, the engineer offense the law of BOB section 9 and it can be justify by the ‘AAA' which are agent, accept , act and without approval [1]. In the case, the engineer is an employee not the entrepreneur so he is an agent.Accept ‘Alai See' means the engineer getting an advantage. Providing service is an act and finally the engineer getting the ‘Alai See' without the boss permission. Engineer has four criteria means it is illegal and he cannot accept it. In few years ago, there Furthermore in the ethnically view, engineer is no ethnically. Deontological approach. Utilitarianism approach. Engineer cannot tell which means engineer fail the sunshine test. The last but not least, giving ‘Alai see' is a Chinese tradition and they think that it can bring us for luck.

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